Mama's Story

Mama's Mozillo's story begins in the "Little Italy" of Cleveland's Murray Hill neighborhood. In that tightly-knit community, families took pride in their old recipes, handed down from generation to generation. Young Lucy Mozillo knew that her family's recipes were extra special, and carefully wrote them down in a school copybook.

Years later, when Lucy married, her husband Emidio asked about the copybook. He knew that contained within it were precious, delicious secrets that with proper management, held the keys to a successful business.

In 1954, Lucy and Emidio opened their first kitchen. Word spread quickly of the pizza and pasta delicacies, and the business thrived with the addition of 4 sons and 2 daughters, all of whom pitched in to make the family restaurant successful.

Today, Mozillo's restaurants hold 3 locations. Their famous pizza specialities are shipped worldwide, Still, the original Mozillo quality is available right here in NE Ohio with only 30 minutes notice!